Friendship is a type of relationship between two people who care about each other. A friend is the first person you want to call when you hear good news. A friend always remembers that what is good for you.

A friend will always try to see a  a smile on your face on any account. Friendship is not easy, though. It demands time and effort, and it requires that people put someone other than themselves first sometimes. But in exchange for that work, a friend can provide an immense amount of support and comfort in good times and in bad.

A friend should have these characteristics which include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, mutual understanding, and compassion, enjoyment of each others company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one's feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend.

Following points always considers within a bond of Friendship:
Be a Good Listener: Often we think we are listening but really, we're just waiting for our turn to talk. You know it's true! Next time when your friend wants to have a chat actually listen to her. It's harder than you think.

Always be there for her/him:  Never ever left your friend alone, Be there always when he/she needs you even when it's late at night. Always give her/him the priority before your any important work.

Always be a True Advisor: Always give them  a true advise including her/his behavior. Don't be a favorable. Tell them the right deeds for her/him.

Celebrate their Achievements: Always celebrate their achievements and small moments of their life with her/him like their educational results, dance competitions or any competition which is related to his/her joy. 

Remember the small things:  Remember the small things or moments of their life and showed them that you care about her/him.  Always chat with them about their liking.


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